Risk Taking in Play: It’s Too Dangerous Not To! Part 1 & 2
Presenter: Sophie Cooper
Risk-taking provides some of life’s most thrilling, empowering and educational experiences and is an innate part of children’s play. Coming from a play-work perspective this interactive workshop will look at how our risk-averse society has impacted children and childhood, including our own personal comfort levels. Through group exercises and discussion participants will take practical steps, including using a risk-benefit assessment tool, to identify where and how children in their care can test their physical and emotional limits, while reducing the likelihood or severity of harm.
Sophie Cooper has 20 years experience in child-directed free play and in play-work training for adults. Sophie started out as a play ranger supporting inclusive play provision in South Wales and went on to co-develop and deliver a ground-breaking play-work development course for Play Wales: ‘Play-work Principles into Practice’. She is a qualified play-worker and play-work trainer with a Forest School Level 1, a Masters’ Degree in Community Education and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Youth and Community Work.
Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.
Pro D certificate: Yes, 4 hours.
Registration Status: Spaces left!
Online Registration link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/2489?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true