Magical World of Hand Puppets
Early Childhood Educators and Child Care providers, please join us for a fun and creative workshop where you will learn how to make your own puppets and bring them to life!
Date: Wednesday, January 29 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Location: Unit #201, 2949 Pandosy Street, Kelowna
Fee: $5.00
Professional Development Certificate for 1.5 hrs will be provided.
What to expect:
⁕Learn step-by-step techniques to create your own unique puppet.
⁕Explore different puppet-making materials and ways to incorporate puppetry
in your programms.
⁕Engage in the meanigful discussion: Benefits of Puppetry within the BC Early
Learning Framework.
⁕Connect with other Early Childhood Educators and share best practices.
Light snacks will be provided.
Limited spots available! Register today to secure your place.
- Capacity: Filling Up