Home Events - Early Years BC Child Health, Safety and Wellbeing In Person Bully Prevention: Their Making, Unmaking, and Protection


Feb 19 2025


This is a two-part workshop (Feb 5th & 19th). Join us 6:15-7:00pm for light refreshments!
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm




In Person

Bully Prevention: Their Making, Unmaking, and Protection

Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking

The bully is an enigma. Because of this, we mistakenly think a child who is bullying is strong, where they are very insecure and fragile. We attribute intention and choice of the bully, when really what drives the behaviour is a deep-rooted instinct and a hardened heart. Because of common misperceptions and misunderstanding of the root causes, we proceed to battle against the symptoms, exacerbating the very syndrome we wish to confront. We cannot effectively address a problem we do not understand. Colleen will trace the bully syndrome to its roots and pave the way for change that is deep and lasting. She will offer stories and examples to bring theory to life.

Protecting Children Against Bullying

As educators and parents, we want to protect children from the wounding, harm and even trauma that happens when a child is bullied. Parents, educators, and caregivers often wonder: is there a way we can prevent children from being bullied? Are there skills that can be taught so that kids in our care can learn how to deal effectively with a child who is bullying? And if one of the children has been mistreated, what can we say and do to lessen the hurt and foster resilience? In this presentation, Colleen will address these questions and will discuss three key factors that are imperative for educators and parents to understand if they hope to protect children. Through theory, stories, and examples she will address how educators and parents can best equip their children against bullying and cultivate resilience in the face of it.

This is a two-part workshop (Feb 5th & 19th)

Presenter: Colleen Drobot

Colleen Drobot is a registered professional counsellor with a private practice. She provides therapy for adults and also offers parent consulting using a developmental, attachment-based approach. She also works with school districts and other professionals to help make sense of children and adolescents. She is an educator with over 20 years of experience working with children in the regular classroom or in special needs settings. She is an adjunct faculty member of the Neufeld Institute

Join us 6:15-7:00pm for light refreshments!

Suitable for child care providers, child care workforce, and parents.

Register here.

  • Capacity: Filling Up

The event is finished.
