Home Events - Early Years BC Early Care and Education Engaging Storytelling for Literacy Development in an ECE Program


Mar 08 2025


9:30 am - 11:30 am





Engaging Storytelling for Literacy Development in an ECE Program

In this workshop participants will explore the importance of early literacy and leave with information based on research as well as practical, creative, and inexpensive strategies to enhance literacy in a childcare setting. We will talk about how dramatic play, music, songs and storytelling can be used to enhance literacy skills. Participants will also explore the important role a caregiver plays in building and supporting children’s literacy development.

Living Inquiries: 

  • Well-being and Belonging.
  • Others, Materials and the World.
  • Communication and Literacies.
  • Identities, Social Responsibility and Diversity.


  • Joy in relationships with people, place, materials and ideas.
  • Interests and Inquiries.
  • Multiple modes of Communication.
  • Language and Communication.
  • Vocabulary and Written Language.
  • Sound and word play.
  • Individual differences.
  • Interrelationship of Humans and their common Worlds.

Suitable for students, intermediate and experienced early care and learning professionals working with children of all ages, from infants/toddlers to school age children, including children with extra support needs.

Facilitator(s): Pooja Kalsi

Pooja has a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from the State University of New York. She has 25 years of experience in the Early childhood field as a teacher, facilitator, supervisor, director and is an experienced instructor. She is very passionate about finding ways to promote children’s creativity and expression of discovery and make it visible by documentation. She currently teaches at Langara College in the ECE department. She is a mother of two and believes that she continues to learn from the world around her.

Register here: Engaging Storytelling for Literacy Development in an ECE Program 4810-8100 :: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

  • Capacity: Spaces Available

The event is finished.
