Home Events - Early Years BC Indigenous Maachi Kashkihtow Mamawii (Together Sharing Metis Culture)


Aug 23 2023


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm




In Person

Maachi Kashkihtow Mamawii (Together Sharing Metis Culture)

Maachi Kashkihtow Mamawii ( Learning together, Sharing Métis Culture): Métis Nation British Columbia Ministry of Education presents a workshop in understanding, identifying, and supporting Métis children and culture in early years programming. Through an interactive workshop, facilitators will share information on Métis history and culture in Canada. Understanding who Métis are, and ways individuals can connect. Through cultural resources, facilitators will demonstrate how to incorporate cultural items into early years programs and activities, to ensure children learn more about the Métis culture. Métis children and families will begin to see themselves reflected in the programming provided within their community. Throughout the workshop participants and facilitators will encompass and reflect on the Métis core values while engaging in an interactive workshop that focuses on relationships, connectivity and collaboration of knowledge and learning. ”


Chandni Bhatnagar is the Métis Child Care Navigation and Support Coordinator for the Lower Mainlands of British Columbia. She holds a certificate in Early Childhood Education and a license to practice in British Columbia. Chandni has been working in the childcare industry nationally and internationally  since 2016. She has had the opportunity to teach children in India who do not have access to education due to financial constraints. Chandni strongly believes that education is a right, not a privilege. With her master’s degree in human resource and international Business, Chandni wishes to serve society to the best of her abilities by utilizing her knowledge and skills. Chandni is grateful for the opportunity to serve MNBC families while learning more about Metis culture and raising awareness of their presence in the society.                                                       


Pawandeep has worked with children and families in the Early Childhood Education field for 12 years. Pawandeep has worked in a variety of Child Care programs, in daycare, preschool and junior kindergarten. Her interest in Métis culture grew from her youth when she experienced Fort Langley which led her to a Bachelor of Arts in English and History. She has experience facilitating Good Beginnings and working with families and Child Care programs in her outreach position at CCRR.  She now works as an ally to MNBC helping promote Metis culture and also continue her learning journey.


Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.


Pro D Certificate: Yes, 2 hours.


Online registration link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/4173?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true

  • Capacity: Spaces Available

The event is finished.
